Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Solar System

Solar System

Solar System :

Solar System

Solar System :

Solar System In our solar system, nine planets circle around our Sun. The Sun sits in the middle while the planets travel in circular paths ( that’s called orbits) around it. These nine planets travel in the same direction (counter- clockwise looking down from the Sun's north pole).

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The solar system is made up of two parts:    The inner solar system contains Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. These four planets are closest to the Sun.    The outer solar system contains Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.  The inner planets are separated from the outer planets by the Asteroid Belt.

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Our sun is a star. It is made of gases called hydrogen and helium. It is always burning and is very hot. The outside of the sun is 11,000 degrees Fahrenheit. A REALLY hot day on earth is only 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The sun's surface is about 100 times as hot as the hottest day on earth! All of the planets in our solar system orbit, or revolve, around the sun. The sun spins around, too. Scientists pretend that planets and stars have a line drawn through their middles. This line is called an axis. Our sun is very important to us. It gives us light and heat. Without light and heat we would not be able to live.

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Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. It is very hot on Mercury, because it is so near the sun. It is too hot for plants or animals to live there. Mercury orbits, or circles, our sun in 88 days. On the planet Mercury a year has only 88 days. On Earth our year has 365 days! Mercury is smaller than Earth.  Mercury is so close to the Sun, and so small, that it has only a very small atmosphere. It has been blown away by the Sun's solar winds. That means that there is almost no air on Mercury. Mercury has no moons.

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Venus is the 2nd planet from the sun. It is sometimes called “the Evening Star” or “the Morning Star,” because we can see it from Earth in the night and in the morning.It is very bright, but it is a planet, not a star! Venus circles, or orbits, our sun in 225 days. Earth circles the sun in 365 days. Venus and the Earth are the same size, scientists call Venus Earth's sister planet. For a long time most scientists thought that Venus probably had plants, animals, and possibly even people. However because Venus is so hot we now know that it is impossible for anything to live there. Venus has no moons.

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Earth is the planet that we live on. It is the 3rd planet from the sun.It is called a “Rocky Planet,” because it is made of rocks. Sometimes Earth is called the “Water Planet,” because it is the only planet with the water we need to live. Earth orbits, or circles, the sun in 365 days. While it is orbiting the sun, it also spins like a top! It spins 1 time in 24 hours. Earth is the only planet where plants and animals live. The Earth has one moon.  Its name is Luna.

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Mars is the 4th planet from the sun. Mars is often called the "Red Planet,” because red is its color. It is covered with rocks and sand. Mars has a huge volcano called Olympus Mons! Mars can easily be seen from Earth with the naked eye. Mars circles, or orbits our sun in 687 days. One year on Mars has 687 days. One year on Earth has 365 days. Mars spins like a top at the same time it is orbiting the sun, just like Earth does. Mars has two moons, their names are Deimos and Phobos

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Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun. It is the biggest planet of all! This is Jupiter's Red Spot. It is a big stormJupiter is made mostly of gas. Jupiter's great red spot visible in the picture to the right is where a giant storm has been raging for at least 300 years.  This storm's super hurricane winds blow across an area larger than the Earth. Jupiter circles, or orbits, our sun slowly! It takes Jupiter 12 Earth years to orbit the sun one time! Jupiter spins like a top very fast, so 1 day on Jupiter is only 10 hours long!  Jupiter has at least 63 moons.

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Saturn was the god of agriculture, he was called Cronus by the Greeks. He is the son of Uranus, and father of Jupiter.  Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun. It is a big planet, and people can see it without a telescope. In many ways Saturn is similar to Jupiter, but it is much smaller.  Under the clouds of methane and helium the sky gradually turns into liquid until it becomes a giant ocean of liquid chemicals. Saturn is made of gas. It has pretty rings around it made of rocks and ice. The rings get their pretty colors, because the sun shines on them from far away! Saturn takes almost 30 Earth years to orbit the sun! It spins like a top 1 time in just 10 hours. Saturn has 34 moons

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In astronomy mythology, Uranus was the lord of the skies and husband of Earth.  Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun. It has a very short day. Uranus spins like a top 1 time in just 17 hours. Scientists think Uranus has a huge water ocean underneath its clouds. It takes Uranus 84 Earth years to orbit our sun! Uranus has many moons, and it has rings like Saturn. The rings of Uranus are not as pretty or easy to see as Saturn’s rings. Uranus is made up mostly of ice. It is very cold on Uranus! Uranus has 27 moons.

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Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun. It is a blue color. It is made mostly of gas. Neptune has a giant storm much like the storm on Jupiter.   This storm is often called The Great Dark Spot. Scientists can see a “Great Dark Spot,” on Neptune.Neptune has white clouds that look like stripes, and it has 8 moons! Neptune spins like a top 1 time in 17 hours, just about like Uranus. Neptune is very far from the sun, and it takes Neptune 165 years to circle the sun one time! Neptune has 13 moons

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Pluto is the 9th planet from our sun. It is very far away! Pluto is smaller than 7 of the moons in the Solar System.  Because it is so small many scientists don't consider it a planet at all. Pluto has never been visited by space craft.  Because we have never sent probes to this planet we know very little about it. If you weigh 70 pounds on Earth, you would only weigh 4 pounds on Pluto.  Pluto has three moons


Suresh Shrestha said...

It is very informative and beneficial to not only kids but also anyone interested in scientific discoveries. I like it and hope some more in the days to come!

Geeta Singh said...

Thanks Suresh ,thanks for your visit , i'll definately submit more ppts ..keep visiting!!

Deguide said...

Hi Geeta, i used to see stars when i travel midst of a dense forest in saklespur zone, i think at few of them are planets which are all hidden under the glares of street lights....kudos to your knowledge i will be able to look for the Venus and Jupiter next time.

Geeta Singh said...

:)) must see..thanks for your comment

Techmaker said...

Good information for everyone. Thanks for sharing with us.

Monu Awalla said...

please check about the pluto.. it is no longer a planet of a solar system..

Geeta Singh said...

Thanks techmaker

Monu :D ok that means I have to redesign this again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!